Monday, June 14, 2010

The Nasty Power Hour

This is very late but here is the link to download the Power Hour all about sex ranging from the obscene to the beautiful. Light some candles, pour some wine, and prepare to feel a little dirty.

Download The Sexxy Power Hour.mp3 from

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bad News...

Power Hour listeners, unfortunately the last 2 shows never recorded to the stations archives so they have been lost... I'm pretty bummed, for those of you that didn't listen, the themes were Billboard #1's and songs about alcohol. I'll still upload screenshots of the playlists and make some playlists for you to stream individual songs but the show itself is gone. Hopefully this problem will get worked out before shows resume after break otherwise I'll need to find another way to podcast. In the meantime, here's screenshots to rub it in...

The good news is I can always just replay the playlists on a future show so look out for that.



Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Download the TV/Movie Power Hour

As promised, here's the link:

Download power hour tv and movie.mp3

Song Info for the TV/Movie Power Hour

I'll upload the full Power Hour later tonight. If anyone has any ideas for future themes for Power Hours or songs to put on a mix, I want to hear them. Feel free to post your ideas in the comments section of these posts, I DO read them!

And of course, don't forget to tune in FRIDAY at 10:00 for a new 60 song playlist. It will not disappoint. See you on Friday.